Thursday, March 22, 2012

Inherent thoughts

This article was so interesting, as these are concepts I myself have often wondered about. A lot of this article relates to my previous paper regarding memory in Proust's "The Cookie", as memory is given agency in that narrative. To read that "we anthropomorhpize because guessing that the world is humanlike is a good bet" clarifies a lot in my mind, not only in terms of literature but in terms of our everyday thought processes as well. I have felt that applying human-like qualities to unfamilar concepts allows those unfamiliar concepts to become more familiar, as you are relating to something you understand better. Reading this article reaffirmed that notion for me; additionally, the actual idea of agency is presented in this article and extends agency to the concept of person. The article explains that "our concept of person is automatic"; thus, it can perhaps be said that because our concept of person is automatic, our anthropomorphism is somewhat automatic as well and thus unconscious. I'm not sure that I can make this leap but it's interesting to think that certain concepts are inherent to our brains, and we then apply those inherent to literature as well as our everyday lives (in my case).